SoundScapes #4 Festival Berlin 2023

What is a soundscape? What meaning can it have in music? If we refer to Raymond Murray Schafer’s theory, we should identify the soundscape as an acoustic field, a place where the relationships of a natural environment, with places, animals and men, are studied. An absolutely not remote application of Schafer’s theory is to reach the explosion of sound detail: for example, we could have the possibility of collecting the peculiarities of a sound environment consisting of any acoustically rich place, better if completely dedicated
to cultural contemplation, with musicians who are not uncompromising in respecting forms and times: in short, the equivalent of an abstract painting with multiple details to decipher.



Release: 03/02/2025

Produced by Harri Sjöström & Maciej Karlowski in co-op.
Photos: Luciano Rossetti
Graphic design: SEMAFOR
Executive Producer: Maciej Karlowski
Festival concept and artistic director: Harri Sjöström

All music by the musicians on the tracks
Copyright is:
L. Allbee, (GEMA), S. Armaroli (SUISA), T. Buck (APRA), A. Centazzo, (ASCAP), J. Edwards (PRS), F. Gratkowski (GEMA), E. Harnik (AKM), E. Kakaliagou (GEMA), G. Schiaffini (SIAE), L. Schweizer (TEOSTO), L. Kosack (TONO), V. Kujala (TEOSTO), O. Louhivuori (TEOSTO), L. Mureddu (TEOSTO), G.Rodrigues, H. Sjöström (GEMA), S.Tramontana (GEMA), P. Wachsmann (PRS), E. Vandeweyer (GEMA)

SoundScapes #4 Festival in Berlin was realized with funding by Musikfinds e.V.
Special thanks to: Libero Mureddu, Ossi Tuovinen, Ulrike Eichner, Andreas Wolf, Anna Wilkens, Lukas Balmer & silent green team license